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Best Baby Foods for Weight Gain

baby foods

Weight gain in babies is a major concern for many parents. In most cases, an infant’s growth tends to follow a predictable pattern and can be encouraged by introducing baby foods for weight gain. Babies need to gain weight as they get older to ensure consistency in their growth patterns. High-nutritious baby foods can help you achieve the required weight for your baby at various stages.

If you are worried that your baby might weigh too little, note that newborns normally lose some weight in their first days of life. They regain this weight about the second week of life. Until your baby reaches six months, they should gain about 1 pound or more each month. Here are the best baby foods to help your baby gain weight. Read on.

Top 5 Best Baby Foods


It can be troubling if your baby is under 6 months and under-weight. At this stage, most of their calories come from breast milk, formula, or both, the best thing to do will be to control how often they feed and if they are getting enough.

1. Breastmilk or Infant Formula

Newborns will feed every 2-3 hours, therefore, account for 8-12 or more breastfeeding per day for the first 4 months. Ensure that your baby fuller empties the breast. The reason why this is recommended is because the hindmilk which comes out last during breastfeeding may be richer than the foremilk.

Allow your baby to feed fully until your breast feels soft. This will ensure they are getting all the milk available and will send your body a message to produce more. Also, ensure you are eating foods that will increase breast milk production.

Additionally, avoid tight-fitting bras or tops. Until your newborn starts solid foods, they will not need to drink water. Therefore, ensure to give them breastmilk or formula instead to maximize the number of calories getting into their small tummies.

At around six months, most infants start to eat solid foods. Consult your health provider on when your baby should start eating complimentary solid foods.

2. Avocado

Avocado is the best transitional food for infants starting on solid foods whether you are opting for a baby-led weaning approach or a combination of the two. Avocados contain healthy fats and a relatively mild taste. This is the best food for your baby when you are trying to make them gain weight.

While preparing it, mash or serve it while thick. You can also add it to other baby foods such as rice cereal or other fruits. It is also a great idea to introduce other foods one at a time. This will help you identify the foods that might be allergic to them.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal cereal is another great meal to add to your baby’s diet for weight gain. To prepare it, blend plain cooked oats then add water to achieve a soupy texture. You can also cook and thin it out with formula or breastmilk to make it more healthier. As your baby gets more comfortable, you can thicken it.

It consists of lots of fiber which includes beta-glucan, which promotes your baby’s growth. It is also fairly neutral in taste and this makes it easier to combine with other healthy baby foods. For example, you can add fruit or cinnamon for more flavor.

4. Peanut Butter

This baby food has proteins and fats which encourages weight gain in your baby. Note that peanuts can cause the most serious allergies. Based on the latest evidence, feeding infants 6 months young foods that cause allergies is advised. This will help prevent allergies from developing. When introducing allergenic foods to your baby, do it methodically. Do it one at a time and high-risk foods at least once a week.

Avoid feeding peanut butter to your child directly from the jar as this may pose choking hazards. The best way to feed them this healthy food is to blend them with either water, breastmilk, or formula or if you have already introduced dairy. You can add it to oatmeal for more richness.

If your baby suffers from allergy or eczema, speak to your health provider before feeding them peanut butter. They may advise you to wait until they are older or suggest an allergy test.

5. Eggs

Eggs are another healthy baby food to help your baby gain weight. They contain fats and proteins. Eggs are also gentle on your baby’s 99, versatile, and easy to prepare. You will want to introduce it slowly and methodically as it is another allergenic food.

You can scramble them and sprinkle in your baby’s cheese or veggies for added nutrients. Add them to other baby foods as well. For example, you can add them to their rice with cheese and veggies.

The Bottom Line

To ensure your baby grows well, picking the right baby foods like avocado, oatmeal, peanut butter, and eggs is crucial. These baby foods, along with enough milk or formula, provide essential nutrients for weight gain. Remember, every baby grows differently, but incorporating these baby foods can make a difference. If you have concerns about your baby's growth, it's important to consult with a doctor for guidance.

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